to oppose the death penalty and to call for a moratorium on executions
Whereas: There is a growing movement in the U.S. to abolish the
death penalty.
Major civil rights and civil liberties organizations have denounced
the death penalty as racist and anti-poor, deeming it cruel and
unusual punishment.
evidence suggests that not only the race but the sexual orientation
of the victim and alleged perpetrator unfairly influence a decision
to impose the death penalty
NGLTF and ten other LGBT organizations have publicly stated their
opposition to the death penalty
Conservative gay organizations such as the Log Cabin Republicans
have shamelessly exploited the Matthew Sheperd tragedy to bolster
a pro-death penalty position
dozens of death row inmates have been released after being found
innocent, including thirteen recently in Illinois, and Governor
George Ryan has declared a statewide moratorium on executions.
over 120 people in Texas have been executed since Governor Bush
took office, including mentally ill, mentally challenged, battered
women, and prison activists, prompting a call for a moratorium
on executions in Texas
likewise in Pennsylvania, growing evidence of police and prosecutorial
misconduct and racism, particularly in the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal,
has led to a call for a moratorium on executions in Pennsylvania
the New Hampshire State Legislature, in May of 2025, voted to
abolish the death penalty in that state
And the increase in executions across the U.S. has led many to
call for an immediate end to executions nationwide, prompting
members of Congress to > propose a bill to that effect
since our founding Pride At Work has consistently opposed racist,
right-wing attacks on basic civil rights, understanding that an
injury to one is an injury to all
Be it therefore resolved that Pride At Work calls for an
immediate halt to executions in Texas, Pennsylvania, and the whole
Be It Further Resolved That Pride At Work joins the growing number
of voices calling for the abolition of the death penalty
Be it also resolved that Pride At Work calls for an immediate
stay of the June 22 scheduled execution in Texas of Shaka Sankofa
(Gary Graham), who was convicted at the age of 17 for a crime
he did not commit
And be it finally resolved That Pride At Work reiterates
our call to stop the execution of and grant a new trial to our
brother, Mumia Abu-Jamal