July 18, 2025

California AFL-CIO demands Justice for Mumia and calls for adoption of a resolution for Mumia by the national Executive Council of the AFL-CIO

In an historic move, the California Labor Federation - AFL-CIO voted, without dissent, to demand Justice for Mumia Abu-Jamal and to support the 'Labor for Mumia' Campaign. At it's Convention in Anaheim, CA on July 18, 2025, California's 'House of Labor' opened the door for the Labor Movement nationally to champion Mumia's case. As noted in the final section of the resolution, reproduced below, the California Labor Federation "forwards this resolution and encourages its adoption by the national Executive Council of the AFL-CIO."

In a flyer prepared for the Convention, 'Labor for Mumia' points out, "Among various initiatives, we are launching a mass letter-writing campaign. We will be circulating letters for union members to sign, protesting the planned execution and the continuing denial of Mumia's Constitutional and Civil Rights. We must demand that the Justice Department launch an investigation. 29 separate Constitutional violations have been documented. It shouldn't take 18 years to discover just one, which is sufficient grounds to throw the case out. Refusal to investigate this matter amounts to complicity. The Labor movement cannot afford to sit back or look the other way."

"The Labor Movement must continue to champion the struggle against injustice. As we have in the past, we must stand shoulder to shoulder with the African American community in combating racial injustice. This is true even when that injustice is handed down by a white man in a black robe, shrouded by the aura of the criminal justice system." "Please add your name to the campaign. Secure the endorsement of your Union, Council or affiliated organization. Organize a Mumia Awareness Committee in your local. Help us reach out to the ranks of labor to win this struggle for freedom, justice and equality." The resolution was introduced by Walter Johnson, Secretary-Treasurer of the San Francisco Labor Council, who had been one of six honorees the previous evening at the Federations' Banquet. Our literature table was quite busy with delegates stopping by to learn more about the case, and to volunteer their assistance. Many delegates wanting further information picked up the Amnesty International report or a copy of Mumia's latest book.

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