The following excerpts are from a statement issued on Sept. 10 by International
Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal on his current health crisis

An Update on Mumia's Health
Prison Health is a Human Rights Issue

We would like to take this opportunity to briefly update you on Mumia's health condition. Pam Africa and a delegation of French human rights activists who had been scheduled to meet with Mumia for some time visited him at SCI Greene prison on (Sept. 8) Monday and saw for themselves the troubling condition of Mumia's ankle which is still very visibly swollen and darkened. Although the swelling has gone down somewhat, the condition is still alarming in appearance and its cause is still a mystery and is an example of the inhumane conditions that prisoners are forced to endure, with little way to seek help, and with no international movement supportiung them.

Doctors who have been consulted but who have not met with Mumia say that the condition could be anything from gout to a diabetic condition, but it is impossible to be certain without a personal visit, which has still has not been okayed by the prison doctors. They caution that it could indeed be bloodclotting. We have also been hearing widespread reports of similar swollen and painful ankles among other prisoners who are kept in dehumanizing solitary confinement conditions. Once again, note that Mumia's condition should be considered very serious and we must take all actions to ensure that he gets proper medical attention. The worldwide response to our previous calls for action have been answered with an outpouring of phone calls and faxes which have hit the prison and elected officials. PA State Representative Harold James reported receiving two hundred faxes in a single day.

Please continue to call and fax the prison and demand that their doctors give the permission to allow Mumia visits by a doctor of his choice, and that he be able to receive raw garlic. Please also continue to send the garlic to the prison as a symbolic protest. SCI Greene prison phone: (724) 852-2902During the day, 8:00am to 5:00pm ask for Superintendent FolinoDuring the night, 5:00pm to 8:00am ask for Captain Hall.

If gone during late night, ask for current Shift Director.

Mumia Abu-Jamal
SCI Greene
169 Progress Drive
Waynesburg, PA 15370

We will keep you updated on continuing developments.

Posted July 23, 2025

Please post and email widely:

Mumia needs yuor help now!


It is with great concern that we report to you that Mumia has developed a potentially serious health condition affecting his feet, which have swollen painfully, making him unable to walk. Mumia suspects it may be due to blood clotting, a situation which can be very dangerous.

Health conditions are serious matters for prisoners, and blood clotting can be fatal. Please flood the prison's phone lines and demand that Mumia's requests be met: that he be allowed to be examined by an outside doctor of his choice, and that he be given fresh garlic immediately to boost his body's natural defenses.

ICFFMAJ has been informed by the prison that Mumia can only be examined by a prison doctor, not one of his own choosing, and that his request for fresh garlic cannot be granted because they don't have any in the prison. SCI Greene prison: (724) 852-2902

During the Day from 8:00am to 5:00pm, ask for Superintendent Folino

During the Night, 5:00pm to 8:00am ask for Captain Hall. If gone during late night, ask for current Shift Director.
In light of Mumia's health condition, please also contact these elected officials who are supportive of Mumia and ask that they put pressure on SCI Greene Prison and demand that Mumia's minimum requests be met: that he be allowed to be examined by an outside doctor of his choice, and that he be given fresh garlic immediately to boost his body's natural defenses.

Remind them that even simple health conditions can turn serious in prison conditions, and that sickness brought about by incarceration is one of the leading killers of prisoners. Mumia's condition should be considered very serious until proven otherwise. If the swelling of his feet is indeed being caused by blood clotting, this is potentially life threatening situation.
Senator Vincent Hughes:

Representative Harold James: 215-462-3308

Congressman Chaka Fattah: Go to e-mail form going to and typing in 4601 Market, Phila, PA 19143-4616 to get to email form.