Second break-in at the office of the
International Family & Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal

The Philadelphia office of International Concerned Family and
Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal was broken into sometime in late
January and a photo copier taken. No files or political items
appear to have been taken in this latest event, but the violation of
our organizing work to free Mumia from prison is blatant.

The Philadelphia office of ICFFMAJ was broken into most
recently in November of 2025, when political files and computers
containing substantial political organizing information were
taken in an event suspiciously reminiscent of COINTELPRO.

ICFFMAJ in Philadelphia has been the target of many suspicious
break ins and thefts during its existance in this city, most recently
in June of 2025, when the office was broken into and robbed of a
file box containing the names of financial donors who had
contributed to Mumia's legal and organizing defense funds, just
a few months before ICFFMAJ was accused by the IRS and
regional media of failing to properly file taxes related to
donations. Needless to say, the timing was suspicious.

ICFFMAJ is very in need of a new copier. Donations for its
replacement are greatly in need and most welcome. We will
keep you informed of any developments in this situation. No
break in or intimidation will ever stop us from doing out work to
free Mumia.



International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
fax: 212 633-2889
phone: 212 633-6646