Dear friend and fellow freedom fighter:

Pam Africa and Ramona Africa need to attend the World Conference Against Racism. It’s being held in Durban, South Africa by the United Nations from Aug. 28 to Sept. 7.

Can you help send these sisters to this conference? It’s vital that they bring the struggle of Mumia Abu-Jamal and the MOVE 9 to the thousands who will be attending from every continent.

The Bush Administration is threatening to boycott this event. They don’t want the issue of reparations raised. Britain and Spain are also upset. At the beginning of the 21st century these regimes are against the slave trade being labeled as a “crime against humanity!”

All the more reason that’s it’s necessary to send representatives to tell the conference participants about the real story of human rights in the United States. A country where two million people are in jail. Including one out every eleven Black men between the ages of 25 and 29.

Who can better do this job than Pam Africa and Ramona Africa?

As you know, Pam is the fiery and eloquent spokeswoman for International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Ramona Africa is one of only two survivors of the holocaust that consumed the MOVE house in Phila­ delphia on May 13, 1985. Six adults and five children were burned to death after Philadelphia police-with assistance from FBI and pentagon “experts”-dropped a firebomb that consumed an entire city block of homes.

For surviving this act of state terrorism, Ramona Africa was railroaded to jail for seven years.

It is vital that Mumia’s case be made an issue in the world Conference Against Racism. The support given to Mumia from People around the world has helped delay his execution.

For example, Mumia Abu-Jamal is the honorary president of the Media Workers Alliance of South Africa.

On May 4, Mumia’s new attorneys presented an affidavit from Arnold Beverly-a “hit man” for organized crime-that it was himself, not Mumia Abu-Jamal, that killed Philadelphia policeman Daniel Faulkner. This new evidence has to told to people everywhere, beginning with the conference in Durban.

Please make a donation so that Pam Africa and Ramona Africa can go to Durban.

Please make a donation. Tax deductible donations of $50 or more can be made out to Peoples Rights Fund/
PVN and sent to the address below using the form. Credit-card donations, also tax-deductible, may be made at Whatever you can give will be greatly appreciated.

Whatever you can give will be greatly appreciated.

In struggle,

Orinathal W. Ross,  MOVE       

Johnnie Stevens, Peoples Video network

Pam Africa, International Concerned Family & Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal