Posted Jan 30, 2025


Time is running out

FEB 11
Come to a press conference and a hearing-

10am Meet at AFSC 15th & Cherry St.
11am March to the Criminal Justice Bldg.
13 & Filbert St
1:30 -5pm People's hearing
on Mumia's innocence-AFSE

    - Says no racism in Judge Sabo's rullings
    Cancels Feb 11 hearing on testimony of innocence

  • Let the evidence be heard and YOU BE THE JUDGE!
  • Hear what the unfair and unbalanced courts and news media don't want you to hear
  • People demand to know why the Feb 11 hearing was canceled
  • Why isn't there a hearing with Mumia present?
  • Why is the evidence of Mumia Abu-Jamal's innocence that would lead to his immediate release being suppressed

Here's why Mumia hasn't had a fair trial

  • Judge Albert Sabo was overheard by court reporter Terri-Maurer-Carter to say, "Yeah, and I'm going to help them fry the N - - - - -!" (racist slur)
  • PA Gov Ed. Rendel targeted Mumia and MOVE;
    Stated he wants to sign the execution warrant
  • This man, Arnold Beverly has confessed.
    Why won't the court let him testify?
  • Former PA Gov. Tom Ridge had Mumia's confidencial legal mail opened and tried to execute him. Ridge backed down under enormous support from people like you

10am Meet at AFSC 15th & Cherry St.
11am March to the Criminal Justice Bldg. 13 & Filbert St
1:30 -5pm People's hearing on Mumia's innocence-AFSE
NYC transportation info for Philadelphia-
Departure from 14th St. & 6th Ave., call the International Action Center 212-633-6646
Departure from 33rd St. and 8th Ave., call the Mumia NYC hotline 212-330-8029
Co-sponsored by International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal and the Free Mumia National Task Force

Photo: Deirdre Griswold

Why isn't Arnold Beverly's confession hear in court?
At past demonstrations videotapes was shown from a flat bed truck at 13th and Locust Streets, the site where Abu-Jamal's arrest took place 20 years ago. The tape allowed everyone there to seeand hear the confession of Arnold Beverly.


International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
fax: 212 633-2889
phone: 212 633-6646